Creative Work

This section of my portfolio features creative projects, mostly film production class assignment submissions.


This is a piece that I wrote, directed, shot, and edited for an experimental film assignment.


This is a piece that I worked on collaboratively with a 5-person crew. I was director of photography for the shoot and this is my personal cut of the footage.

In Thy Light

A piece that I wrote, shot, directed, and edited as a final assignment submission for my first film production course.

Gay Voice

This recorded podcast discussion with friends explores the stereotypes and stigma surrounding the speaking voices of queer men. This piece was submitted as an assignment for a podcasting course.

It’s a great time to be a girl!

This found-footage compilation explores mediations of girlhood in a hyper-consumerist society. This piece was a submission for a compilation film assignment and was created in collaboration with Makenna Monaghan and Sara McNeil.

